E2750 Front Lift Scales
Weighing system for front lift refuse trucks
The LOADRITE E2750 weighing systems offers accurate and reliable weighing of every bin emptied with a front loading refuse truck. It can be installed on most makes and models, is easy to use and maintain.
The E2750 automatically measures the net weight of the bin as it is emptied. The bin weight and other information can be printed in the truck using the optional Loadrite printer, sent electronically to a separate on-board computer or transmitted to the head office.
Read why waste companies around the world are adopting onboard scales for their operation: Click Here

Simple user interface for easy operation
LOADRITE refuse truck scales are easy to understand, easy to use and can be connect to any on-board computer. The LOADRITE screen display is uncluttered and only relays pertinent information to the operator when required. This enables the operator to concentrate on what they do best without unnecessary distraction: refuse collection. The rear and front load truck scale share the same user interface. This advantage reduces the need for training of operators who drive both trucks on the use if the E2750.

No more overloading
The regulatory environment, where public safety and liability concerns underlay a trend towards more enforcement of overloading regulations is also a factor. To help prevent overloading, the net weight of each bin can also be added to a run total, so that the driver can monitor the total weight on the truck.
Keeping the weight on the truck under its legal capacity also helps to minimise maintenance costs.

The E2750 uses LR970 solid state position sensors to continuously report the position of the lift arm, ensuring optimal accuracy. The LR970 sensor measures pitch and roll angles, acceleration and the rate of rotation.
- Knowing the weight of each customer’s bin helps charging correctly; unprofitable customers are no longer subsidized by more profitable ones.
- Accurate weighing ensures trucks are loaded to the correct value avoiding expensive overload fines.
- Keeping the weight of the truck under its legal capacity helps to minimize maintenance costs
- Having visibility of the current payload helps with the route optimization. Operators can determine when it’s the best time to drive to the landfill or transfer station without over or under loading the truck resulting in optimized truck utilization.
- The rear and front loader weighing system share the same user interface making operator transition seamless between trucks.